Sale and rent of houses daily, monthly in Abbeville
Abbeville house

Dominican Republic, La Altagracia, Abbeville
Расслабьтесь в окружении зелени и наслаждайтесь жизнью, о которой вы давно мечтали, в природном раю.
Новая ре...
$ USD 92 165 Sale
- total square: 66.3 m²

Dominican Republic, La Altagracia, Abbeville
Relax surrounded by greenery and enjoy the life you have long dreamed of in a natural paradise.
Sunset Garden...
$ USD 92 165 Sale
- total square: 95 m²

Dominican Republic, Samaná, Abbeville
Spacious Villa in Samana
A spacious villa with an area of 400 m2 and a land plot of 850 m2, featuring five be...
$ USD 650 000 Sale
- total square: 400 m²

Dominican Republic, Samaná, Abbeville
Villa in Samana
With an area of over 500m2 and a land plot of 1000m2
Stunning view of Samana Bay, the mari...
$ USD 650 000 Sale
- total square: 500 m²