All listings sorted by the filter "water filter" (4)
Rent out a property
Russia, Moskva, Moscow
This apartment with nice shades of blue and a beautiful bathroom will help you to relax after work.
$ 1 200 per month
- berths: 1
- total square: 35 m²
Rent out a property
Russia, Moskva, Moscow
Сountry house in Stolbovaya settlement, Chekhovsky Region
$ 180 per day
- berths: 2
- total square: 350 m²
Rent out a property
Russia, Moskva, Moscow
House on Chelobitevskoe Highway
$ 250 per day
- berths: 2
- total square: 170 m²
Rent out a property
United States, New York, New York City
A cosy house on Trubetskaya St.
$ 1 300 per month
- berths: 3
- total square: 120 m²